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AMFP Raleigh/Durham Educational Program: Behavioral Healthcare

Date and Time

Tuesday, April 09, 2024, 11:30 AM until 1:00 PM


3100 Tower Boulevard
Durham, NC  


AMFP Raleigh/Durham

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only

About this event

Why Before How:  Understanding the Business Case for Mental Health Treatment Facilities

Registration starts at 11:30
Lunch and networking from 11:30 - noon
Program starts at noon

In this session, we will explain how important design is to the operational and clinical success of any mental health treatment space.  Listeners will understand how important it is to clearly establish a clearly stated set of operational parameters that drive the design.  Listeners will also learn about all the other types of mental health treatment programs beyond inpatient beds and how they impact the overall health of a community and therefore the success of a mental health service line.

Learning objectives:

  1. Attendees will understand how important it is to clearly establish a clearly stated set of operational parameters that drive the design.
  2. Listeners will learn about all the other types of mental health treatment programs beyond inpatient beds and how they impact the overall health of a community and therefore the success of a mental health service line.
  3. Listeners will learn specific approaches to take during pre-design services to ensure the project supports the operational and clinical goals of the service.
  4. Listeners will learn how to understand the role each project plays in the larger system of care.